Fort Valley State University President Larry E. Rivers today announced a triple-digit increase in freshman enrollment for fall semester 2006. The figures suggest a dramatic shift from declining enrollment reports in preceding academic years.
“This has taken hard work by many people who love this university,” Rivers stated, “but the news is very, very good. Truly, a new day has dawned in The Valley.” Although final enrollment figures remain to be tallied for the semester that began earlier this month, conservative estimates place freshman enrollment at over 800 students with the potential to reach at or near the 1,000 mark. During fall semester 2005, only slightly more than 300 freshmen enrolled at the Fort Valley institution.
“The key has been to get out the good news about this university,” Rivers explained. “The fact is that FVSU offers many outstanding programs. Our students graduate to become leaders in the medical, business, computer science, and many other fields.” Rivers added, “Our students and our graduates are our best advertising.”
Since taking over as FVSU’s eighth president in March 2006, Rivers has campaigned throughout the state and region to build enrollment and support for the school.
“Dr. Rivers believes in the hands-on approach to recruitment,” observed Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Daniel K. Wims. “During the time he was reorganizing our entire admissions and recruitment efforts, he was also out recruiting students. He has come to know many of our freshmen personally.”
Final fall enrollment figures for 2006 will be announced shortly, following completion of registration and final processing of financial aid awards.
“We’re not stopping here,” Rivers added. “I plan to recruit students for the spring and, when we open the state-of-the-art residential village next fall, watch out!”
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